Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mother's Day

I have a love/hate relationship with Mother's Day - kind of like I do with Valentine's Day.  I hate that we have to set aside one day a year to tell our moms how much we love and appreciate them, even though it should be done all year long.  Unfortunately, many of us are so busy with our own lives that we don't take time very often to let our mothers know that.  So, I am glad there is a day when we focus on our mothers and how much they mean to us.  Plus, I love holidays because it is a reason to get together with extended family.

This is most of the women on my dad's side of the family on Mother's Day last year

However, Mother's Day has been pretty hard the last few years.  There have been years in church when they would have all moms stand up to be recognized...and there I sat.  I felt like all eyes were on me, and it took everything I had not to burst out in tears.  Now, I'm sure people weren't looking at me at all, but it definitely felt that way.  And then there was the instance a couple of years ago when I was in CVS picking out a card for my mom.  Reading through the cards, all I could think was that I would never get a card like that - that no one would feel the way about me that I feel about my mom.  I honestly don't remember if I ended up buying a card or leaving the store before breaking down because the tears were starting to form.

Mother's Day is hard when you want to be a mom but you aren't.  I can't imagine how hard Mother's Day is for those who have lost their mom and don't have someone to pick out a card for.  Or for the moms who have lost a child and won't be getting a card from them.  Or for the brave birth moms who chose life for their child but made the decision to place their child for adoption.  Holidays are supposed to be a joyous occasion, but for many it is a day that they have to put on a happy face even though they are hurting inside.  So, while you are celebrating your wonderful mothers this year, please keep in mind those who are struggling and say a prayer for them - or send them a card to let them know you are thinking about them.

On a happy note, last year on Mother's Day is when we announced our plans to adopt by giving our families this picture and posting it on Facebook.

This will hopefully be the last Mother's Day that I am not a mom - unless our little guy decides to come early and I will get to celebrate with him in my arms!

1 comment:

  1. I'm celebrating you this year...because you're already a mom! The road you have traveled had prepared you, and you've felt the joys and losses... Happy Mother's Day, dear friend. Your little one is SO LUCKY to have you waiting for him!!!!
